
Riley's Story❤️⁠

Riley was born on Friday the 13th March via C-section weighing 3.7kgs. The pregnancy was considered very normal with no complications.⁠

Shortly after delivery in an attempt to breast feed Riley, he struggled with a blocked nose. After many attempts, nurses noticed Riley's rapid breathing which was later found to be 4 defects of the heart. ⁠After spending 10 days in the NICU, Riley was discharged. His weight and growth were closely monitored which was a slow progress.


Justin's Story❤️⁠

Justin was born at 39 weeks with a whole lot more wrong with his heart than the AVSD he had been diagnosed with, in utero. A day after Justin arrived, my husband and I were gently informed that our newborn son had an Interrupted Aortic Arch, 2 different holes (VSD & ASD), aortic valve stenosis and a PDA. Because of the extent of the stenosis, the doctors weren't really considering surgery as a viable option.


Zenny's Story❤️⁠

I am Lulama Sifuba, a 45 year old mother of an Angel and two older children.

My last child Zenande (Zenney) was born on the 1st November 2016 at a government hospital in Gqeberha. She weighed 2.8kg and was born with Down Syndrome and 3 defects in her heart.

Despite many challenges and open heart surgery in 2018, she managed to pull through. During her young life she was on constant medication and had to endure hospital visits on a monthly basis. 


Heart Warriors❤️⁠

Two of our older heart warriors, i.e Unako Ntshintshi and Lelethu Stemele took it upon themselves to advocate for CHD and to educate children around oral hygiene.


Andrew's Story ❤️ 

I am Andrew Lake aged 52 years old living in South Africa. I have had 4 open-heart surgeries. Born with CHD in 1970 before all the technological advancements of today.


Navishka's Story❤️⁠

After battling for 3 years to fall pregnant, my husband and I decided to seek medical advice.

After much invasive and expensive medical treatment, we eventually fell pregnant. All of this happened during the Covid-19 pandemic and because I was in and out of hospitals I had countless amounts of Covid tests, but nothing could contain our excitement when we discovered we were expecting twins.⁠⁠


Alletta Grace Govender's Story ❤️    

Alletta - Grace is a normal 13 year old. She is in Grade 8 and is so full of life, has lots and lots of friends and will never allow herself to be bullied in school. The teenage years developed my child into this beautiful, breath taking young lady. She is an active young girl, running around and enjoying life, yet if you are an outsider you would never guess what she has been through. 


Ariana Grace Moodley's Story ❤️ 

Ariana Grace Moodley made her entrance into this world on the 30th of June 2019. As her name suggests, she was a blessing to her parents.
A beautiful bouncing girl at 2.6kg.

She struggled to feed from birth and formulas were changed frequently.
At her 6 weeks check up, a heart murmur was heard. We were referred to a cardiologist in Durban who diagnosed Truncus Ateriosus.  


Lelethu Stemele ❤️

We met 25 year old Lelethu Stemele (Lady on the right) on our CHD Awareness Walk in East London on the 5th February of this year, and again at our parent support visit to Cecilia Makiwane Hospital on the 7th April.


Bibi Amina Shaik's Story  ❤️    

Bibi Amina Shaik was our first born and as new parents we were pretty excited and couldn’t wait for her arrival. And finally on Friday 25th May 2018 at 7:40 she was born to the proud parents, Tawwaba and Wahied Shaik.


Christmas in July Dinner  ❤️ 

A huge thank you to everyone that attended our Christmas in July Dinner held on the 30th July 2022 on the premises of Groote Schuur Hospital.

Prof J Lawrenson was our keynote speaker and captured the interest of everyone present with his speech which high lighted how rife CHD is, the lack of resources and the need for parent support groups such as Heart Kids SA.


Joshua is turning 9! ❤️

Diagnosed at 4 months old with SV, pulmonary atresia, TPGA, prima ASD, atrial isomerism, heterotaxy and more. His sats was around 40%. He had his first caths at 5 months old, followed by emergency open heart surgery and received a BT shunt. 


Lizé Pienaar turns 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lizé is one of identical monochorionic/monoamniotic (mono-mono) twins. These twins share both a placenta and sac and occur in only 1% of twin pregnancies therefore being a high-risk pregnancy. In early pregnancy and up to 26 weeks, the mono-mono twins have a low survival rate of 50%. .


Heart Kids Walk 

Thank you to everyone who attended. Our youngest walker was Adrian Lombard, he walked in honour of his cousin who would have turned 8 years old the day before the walk.
We are so grateful for our Heart Kids Family ❤️


Golf Day 2022

Thank you to all the golfers, sponsors and helpers that supported our Heart Kids SA Golf Day event, held at Parow Golf Club.

It was a great success and we just hope you had as much fun as we did.


December 2022 
Heart Kids Newsletter



The 2023 Big Walk for CHD was a BIG success! 🤗 We had so much fun seeing everyone come out in support of this great cause. Another huge thanks to all the wonderful participants who made it happen - you are sincerely appreciated! ❤️ #CapeTownBigWalk 


March 2023
Heart Kids Newsletter

2023 has kicked-off at a frenetic pace for us with our annual
heartKIDS SA BIG Walk in Cape Town, and East London and for
the first time our Johannesburg and Pretoria warriors coming
together in the Highveld.


Milan's CHD Journey ❤️ 

Milan was born on 05.01.2023 weighing 3.64kg and 53cm, he was a big boy, but within our first few minutes after meeting him, his pediatrician told us he will be taken to NICU as he had trouble breathing.


Mieke's Story ❤️ 

The story of Mieke's life started way before 14 January 2017, the day of her birth. This is how we managed to become the parents of the most amazing little heart warrior.


Heart Kids Quarterly Newsletter ❤️ 


Sisanda Nyambe ❤️ 

My name is Sisanda Nyambe. I'm based in East London in the Eastern Cape.

I am a young mom of 3 i.e., two girls and one boy all below 7 years, you can imagine🤗


 Lindiwe Booysen and baby Zanele ❤️ 

Lindiwe Booysen had no suspicion that there was anything wrong until Zanele’s birth on 12th October 2022 in Murraysburg some 540km from Cape Town. At birth, Mom noticed what appeared like growths little Zanele’s eyes and that she was breathing quite heavily. 


Heart Kids Quarterly Newsletter ❤️


Milan's CHD Journey ❤️ 

Milan was born on 05.01.2023 weighing 3.64kg and 53cm, he was a big boy, but within our first few minutes after meeting him, his pediatrician told us he will be taken to NICU as he had trouble breathing.


Mieke's Story ❤️ 

The story of Mieke's life started way before 14 January 2017, the day of her birth. This is how we managed to become the parents of the most amazing little heart warrior.


Heart Kids Quarterly Newsletter ❤️ 


Good News

Quiney Event Raises Funds to Treat Heart Defects in Newborns.


Dr. Cheree Goldswain


Quarterly News letter - March 21 2024

Highlight on Sanaah Sharina Chotai. 
"She is going to change the world one heartbeat at a time."


Quarterly News Letter ❤️


Heart Kids Quarterly Newsletter 2024

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